Information for Parents

School Hours
Office hours | 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM |
Before school OSHC Hours | 7:00 AM to 8:45 AM |
After school OSHC Hours | 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM |
School in Session | 8:55 AM to 3:30 PM |
Please note student supervision is provided between the hours of 8.45 AM and 3.45 PM.
Students are not to be left unsupervised outside these hours.
Class Times
Bell | 8:55AM |
Learning Session 1 | 9: 00 AM |
Learning Session 2 | 10:00 AM |
Recess | 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM |
Learning Session 3 | 11:30 AM |
Learning Session 4 | 12:30 PM |
Lunch | 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM |
Learning Session 5 | 2:30 PM |
End of School Day | 3:30 PM |
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders are provided by Classroom Cuisine and are available every Wednesday.
Get your orders in:
Brain Food
All students are being encouraged to have water and healthy snacks in class.
Children will be able to graze around 10am each day on brain food
Check out some brain food ideas on ourbrain food page.
Students are required to wear the proper school uniform to school every day.
Uniforms can be purchased online:
Gently used uniform items are available.
Contact the school office for more information