

Reading and Viewing

Reading should be enjoyable and be able to be used to assist with learning.  We aim to develop increasing confidence and competence in reading so that our students are able to:


  • read fluently, accurately and with understanding at all levels – literal, applied and inferential;

  • become independent and critical readers and make informed and appropriate choices.



Much of students’ learning includes and depends on written communication.  We aim to develop increasing confidence and competence in writing so that our students are able to:


  • write in a variety of forms for different purposes, using wide-ranging and technical vocabulary and an effective style, organising and structuring whole texts coherently;

  • writing clearly using accurate punctuation, grammar correct spelling and legible handwriting;

  • apply word processing conventions and understand the principles of multi-media text.


Speaking and Listening

Oral language is fundamental to the development of understanding.  We aim to develop increasing confidence and competence in speaking and listening for our students so that they are able to:


  • express their ideas and explain their thinking clearly;

  • adapt their speech to a wide range of circumstances using varied and specialised vocabulary;

  • speak for a range of purposes e.g. to narrate, to analyse, to explain, to reflect and evaluate.;

  • listen with understanding and respond sensitively and appropriately.


Our classroom teachers ensure it:

  • is delivered in 10 hours per week, preferably in 5 x 2 hour blocks, where reading comes before writing;

  • provides a sequential teaching and learning program in literacy guided by the Victorian Curriculum;

  • caters for the individual point of need of students;

  • provides additional support for students at risk via an intervention program and through Individual Learning Improvement Plans where required;

  • builds upon previous learning;

  • includes the use of ICT;

  • makes links across all discipline-based subjects.